Tuesday, September 30, 2008



Of course not.
It's almost 3am, so I should sleep.
But tomorrow...
Tomorrow, this shall be an entry dedicated to the late Lelouch vi Britannia, 99th Emperor of the Holy Britannian empire, who died at 18 after having been murdered/executed by Zero, Code Geass's resident ally of justice/one and only world policeman, for all his faggotty crimes.
Or so the world thinks...

"Tomorrow", I shall transform this entry... because according to the world of C, people want a "tomorrow".
The next day... ("tomorrow")

Is the cry of grief for that which has been lost that cannot be returned... but could be rewatched anyway.
But the day has come for us to part ways, I to live, and you to die. Which is better--only the world of C knows.
But I shall remember you.
I shall remember you in all your arrogance glory,

in your desperation,

in your unfathomable pain,

in defeat,

in ffffffffffffff moments,

in ^^; moments

in omgpanicmode

and in your o~ho~ho iPwn moment.

I have seen you almost, but not quite in love.

I have seen you weak


and lonely.

I have seen you clampified,


and epically shok-ku-ed.

In your 50-episode long journey, you have looked into the distance

flown and reached for the sky (of course this is Sayoko, but iduncare),

emo-ized posed for OP sequences,

and have gone through many laughing


At some point, it seemed as if you may have lost it for good.

In this long and pizza-filled journey, I have watched you in distorted rage

in your menacing evil

in your mocking evil

in your shades

and in your favorite sitting position.

And despite all your fabulous


your overdramatic gestures

your siscon

and being an utter FAILure in P.E. class (he's better off not attending after all, what's with the teachers??)

and even just in simple running,

I will still remember and love you as simply Lelouch

as the kind friend

as Zero

as the gentle brother

as the spunky kid

as some random policeman

even as cute unaffordable merchandise.

I have watched your death

8 times now and counting.

I'm supposed to hate Nunnally, but I don't anymore, Lulu.
I don't.
The internet may regard you as a fag, but your greatness in my mind transcends all forms of faggotry, uberdrama, and celestialbeingness-almost-butjustnotquite-idiocy.
You will always be the 2d-character that I would want to be, but could never be (seeing as I'm 3d and all)... Minus all the fabulous faggotry, of course.
You have died, but you have lived a life that no 3d entity could ever dream of living.
Sleep well, Lelouch.

I will always remember that the official fave color of CG is pink you.


Monday, September 29, 2008

Code Geass R2 World End

The series is over.
No more pizza hut ads and Orange jokes.
No more overdramatic gestures from Lulu-chan.
No more Lelouch.
Thus, I have decided to finally do an overhaul on this blog and dedicate it to him.
Lelouch, I don't hate Nunnally anymore, please stay in your peaceful slumber.
You will be remembered.
More later. ;p
Hours later... I'm back. :P

Because of this, gg spells Zero Requiem as Re;quiem. Which actually makes sense if you consider english usage history in anime.

Why do you think?
And on the garden...

It was a cage after all, lol.

I just found out that this

is called a Matryoshka. (Makes me think of matroska.. o_O)
I would give the same name to this...

Out comes Siegfried Jr....

Explosion again!

Out comes Orange~ YEAH!

Yes, your Orange-ness, I WILL.

So, now, tell me, do eyes really get bigger when people cry?

And on eyes...

Wasn't he blind? o_O Early assumption, I guess!

Somehow, this line hits me as funny. And lol, Orange, you're also masked.

Goodbye to Damocles, you were a great source of pink balls of destruction.
On pink...

Who knew the pink sword would be the one to bring Lelouch his end?

Goodbye hat.

Goodbye Lelouch.
You will be remembered.
And although some people say hay guy

is Lelouch. I highly doubt it.
Look, he's got the CG death marks under his eyes.


And all in all, it was a good and fitting end.
Complete with Pizza Hut...

Orange jokes...

Some more jokes...



And of course...




Disclaimer(s), etc:
1. I don't claim to own what isn't mine.
2. Onii-samaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa~ I will miss you. ;_;

