Hey, new obsession~

But I was addicted to Skip Beat for a few days. ^__^ And I mean a few days~ I did nothing but read Skip Beat~ ... Kind of. Of course I ate, etc, but.. well.. whatever~
Ren x Kyouko~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!!!!!! XD XD
Actually, I can also go "Rennnnnnnn~~~! XD".
BUT, that goes against my principles.. wut? LALA.
He looks so ugly in the anime. q_q
But, oh well... I suffered this with VK too, so, it doesn't hit me as hard as the first time. ^_^
Skip Beat is a must-read. I swear it isssss!!!!
All the funnnnn and the kyaaaaaaa and the waaaaaaaaaaah and the HAHAHAHAHA and nyahahahaha moments you'll miss~~~~~~~ READ READ READ NOW NOW NOW.
*Ahem again*
Since I decided to do two entries I've been meaning to do for a few days now tonight, I better get a move on.
Vampire Knight
Visuals sucked big time. I've decided that it isn't really just because the manga was so much prettier. The animation kind of sucked too. BIGGG LOL at Ichiru vs. Zero fencing whatever that looked like kid's play lalala whatever~Nabari no Ou
I forgot what ep it was since I pretty much marathoned the A-Kraze releases. Hmm.. I wonder if they'll be doing S2. I'll just marathon their releases again, if ever~
All in all, I guess the anime does have somewhat good points. The story flow is a bit clearer, but that should be expected out of something that actually moves and all, I guess~ Plus, I dunno how reliable the scanlations are.... BUT, I still think that part of it was kind of good.... Though the anime really borders on boring. But boring != disorganized storytelling. And, really, it wasn't disorganized, I'll give it that. Plus the voices were okay, they fit the characters as I imagined them. :D
Since VK is actually a serious story, I guess I couldn't expect the anime to be lively and all. But I really think this is an example of wasted starting material, since I really think the manga had more potential, it could've been a better anime. If you ask me how though, I dunno. I just watch anime, I don't make them~ *shrug*
That's the job of anime-makers~ Lalala.
With all my incoherent babble, VK wasn't very good. That pretty much sums it up.
Uhh. Hmm.Natsume Yuujinchou
How do I put it in words. I don't hate this anime. I don't like it either.
Objectively speaking, it prolly sucked, HAHA.
But, I guess I'm a sucker for this type of drama, BUT WAIT. DON'T GET ME WRONG. It's the concept, that I like. The anime failed me in presenting it.
But NOT really really, since I think it's just a characteristic of this anime...
This anime is what I'd call clumsy. Like how a person can be clumsy with showing his/her feelings or something. But, well, reality is also clumsy, right? But it's a show, so I guess that isn't an excuse? I dunno.. Haha.
How to say this... Hmmm.. I think anime, etc are unrealistic to a certain extent because they, are, well, shows. They're there to entertain you.
In a ninja show like this one, for example, it's kind of a first for me to see the protagonist's Dad running away like a coward from the pursuers. It was also rather surprising for the main antagonist to go blooper mode in his attempt to sway Yoite, which, uhh, cost him his life. o_o So he died because of a blooper. OKAY, sure~
Looking at it though, it really could happen in reality~ And people are cowards by default, right? That's the passive path; the active path is when you face ninja pursuers when you yourself don't have any special abilities, whatsoever. If this was Naruto, I bet the Dad would've died fighting or something.
Because of that darkness in it, and I loev that kind of darkness, it doesn't get a low rating from me. :D
Despite its shortcomings, I'm glad I watched this anime. Plus, I loved the songs~ ^___^
Also... "Eh... Hehehe." made me go HAHAHA. But they weren't really aiming for quality subs, so s'okay. :D And it made me laugh a lil. :D
This is definitely one of my top ones for last season. It's not the exciting, cool, super funny or freaky type, which kind of makes it a suprise (lala? surprise!!) that I really, really liked it. But, I DID.Macross Frontier
So there was this guy who can see ayakashi, etc. He wasn't believed by 99.9% of the rest of the population, and thus he suffered being isolated from his fellow humans, etc. Seems to be a kind of cliche plot, right? Wrong?
In any case, no matter how cliche, if it's cliche at all, this anime still had a way to be so lightly nice. :D
And it always just said things I wanted to hear~
Well, all in all, this series is not something I would call "awesome~" "great~", etc. The word I would really have to use with it is nice~~~ Light, and heartwarming. :D
I'm so looking forward to the next season~ ^^,
I really liked the songs!!! ^___________^Well, I guess that would be all for last season!!! At last!!
And mostly, the visuals were great. ^^,
The story was also nice enough before the last episode.
That is, I DIDN'T LIKE THE ENDING. WTH, concert ending!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I mean, yeah, I'm a noob at Macross, maybe that's like normal, but... really. o_o
It's like, okay, let's just end this with Sheryl Ranka duet medley and nice visuals. I guess that's not bad, maybe macross isn't really one for a deeper story or something. Or maybe I equate deep with heavy? But no I don't! Because I liked Natsume Yuujinchou a lot~
And even the love story part ended in a "huh? what? back to start??" way. Hmm, now that I think about it, maybe I don't really think the ending is that bad. I really just had to go O_O at Alto's "You're both my wings~" line. Oh, shut up, geisha princess faggot. I hate Alto. DX
I found out there was a movie before watching the end of Macross. Now, after watching the end of Macross F, I'd say that the movie will be a an everyday life love comedy where Alto meets more girls in school which he can add to his harem. :D This love comedy ends with the harem ending too, and Alto's new line would be "You're all my wonderful feathers~ *smile*". Feathers, because there are more, and Alto has a limited supply of love, so, also feathers because they're smaller. ^^,
BUT, it seems like it won't be a sequel, but a retelling. AWW, man, where's my rabu rabu comedy with shining Alto love dialogues??? SHEESH, if you're gonna do harem, do it all the way. I DEMAND FEATHERS!!!! o_O And there goes my sanity~ HAHAHAHA!!!
Well, anyway, I still liked Macross enough. :D
~nyan nyan~
~ninjin loves you yeah~!~
~~~~ =))
I love the songs forever~ HAHA.
This season though, the number of anime I'm watching has taken a considerable increase. o_o
Good luck to me when they end~~~
Disclaimer(s), etc:
1. I don't claim to own what isn't mineDisclaimer(s), etc:
2. The other post got postponed because of a headache.. Lala.
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