No matter how many forms it takes, its true color shall remain unchanged.

★ Magical Star Version ★
Seems sure alright to me! ^________^
So, I don't know why anidb has decided to pick on this series...

It IS funny though... "Eh... Hehehe."
As for me though, I think I will only like this series more and more as it progresses. :D Spunky kid and freaky butler combo just really wins me. Hahahaha.
This episode, once again, demonstrates just how Sebastian is the best butler around.
Bocchan was kidnapped by some stupid, absolutely unlikeable antagonists which gives us the idea that this, of course, is just another one-episode long substory.
Anyway, the gnatagonists sent Sebastian a letter and we find out that they're not so bad in English (use of "return" only?). :D

Of course Sebastian being the loyal
A while after Sebastian's departure, the other

Hm.. Hmm... Where could the pretty, shiny, pointy, sharp-y silverware have gone to???
Of course, Sebastian knows. :D

He even does an acroBAT pose after his silverware adventures to entertain us~

You ain't seen the best Bastie skills 'til you've seen him die

So, having been the circus acroBAT, limbo king, and magician that he was, he then demonstrates the trick of bullet-regurgitating. :D

Tsk tsk... Silly Bastie, of course they'll refuse, you should've at least cleaned them up first!!
But insulted by the gnatagonists refusal, Bastie turns into an akumade gun and kills the gnatagonists. I don't have screenshots for this part though, hahahaha.
I do have a screen of Bastie striking a pose though~

Using more of his skills, without any physical contact whatsoever, he trains the leader gnatagonist on the joint (and perhaps more?) disclocation techniques he learned while working in the circus.

But that's to be expected, I guess.
You are...

However, since this double-meaning thing in moonspeech cannot really be translated into Engrish, I shall always refer to him as the akumade butler. :D
And with that,

After all that killing, Bastie just can't help but feel the need for repentance.

Oh, that's sure alright Bastie, we know you tried your best~ XD
So in the end, is this my new Geass after all?
Of course not. :P Lulu is irreplaceable~~~ HAHAHAHA~
But just to fill in the absence of Geass, Kuroshitsuji and Gandamu 00 should do really nicely~! Kuroshitsuji for all the evil pinku and Gandamu for the mecha. :D
Mr. Bushido does nicely for the mask replacement too. :D
Hey Bastie, I want cake. :(
Please come and make me one?
Disclaimer(s), etc:
1. I don't claim to own what isn't mine.2. ...Except if an Akumade butler comes along, I might just violate #1. XD
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