Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Ender's Game Movie

I heard from a friend last summer that a movie was really going to be made for Orson Scott Card's Ender's Game. As usual, I felt two ways about the news. One feeling is towards excitement on what it would be like if they can make it really good, and the other feeling is towards dread--dreading how they will butcher it. Then, I came across this comic strip that
introduced more things to dread about it. Good grief, Tekken meets Ender?? LOL. That was really LOL.
Anyway, after that, I decided to do a google on Ender's Game movie, which I've never done before.
I came across a blog that has information about the progress of the movie production so far. It seems Card is actively participating in the making of the movie and the script and has a say in the casting too, so I think it might not turn out bad after all.
The blog also contained other updates on Ender's Game stuff like the battle suits design and the Marvel Comics version. According to that article with the battle suits drawings, the Marvel Comic version was a lot different from the book, but it seems Card had a hand in that difference and was happy about it, so I'm hoping it really is good. After all, attached as I am to the book, I don't think being uber-faithful to the original story will be a good idea for both the movie and the comics. And I agree that it's good if the Marvel version is good according to Card, cuz yeah, that may well just be the basis of all-else-ender-related that will come out from then on.
Still though, I think some elements of the book would still be lost in the process, and I would definitely feel bad about it, no matter how much I know that that is inevitable and that if the makers (of both the movie and the comic) decided to stay uber-loyal, it'll just end up woooooorse.
So, as a fan, I hope that the brand new and different greatness of the movie and comic version will be enough to overshadow the possibly little disappointment I would feel about parts of the book being lost. ^_^

Disclaimer(s), etc:
1. I don't claim to own what isn't mine.
2. Hmm.. How about Tekken meets the Hobbits? That would be interesting too. Or X-men goes on a mission in Narnia. OH YEAH!!!

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