Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Updates 000

  • New banner... Don't complain about the "off" stuff on it (a pixel off, missing border, white part not "green-multicolor-noised" etc.). I see it too, but I don't feel like changing anything for now. In fact, the next time I change anything for that banner, it would prolly be an overhaul. Well, banner overhaul. ~which can hardly be called an overhaul, cuz zuh, iz juz zi banner. Read it out loud and it'll make sense. :P
  • The banner is from some chapter of bleach. Okay, I just checked, it's from chapter 285. Original art by Kubo Tite ---- NOT MINE. Well, modified it to suit my own needs, of course.
  • I changed the GIF frame. I know it's not Seiran even though I said it would be Seiran. Okay, my prediction powers failed the world. Big deal.
  • New discoveries for the day include: (1) Justice is an illusion. Or at least that I'm not the only one who thinks so... (2) Some css stuff. Hardly big stuff though... (3) Shivering is not a direct consequence of cold weather. Sometimes, it just occurs on it's own, for no particular reason. KSP.
  • I don't know. It just seems weird to have such a short entry since all my entries are always long...
  • Ah, Apple stuff. Why do people like Apple? It's like Apple fanboys are subjects who have sworn eternal and unwavering loyalty to his Steveness. It just kinda' amazes me. I guess Apple stuff are aesthetically pleasing. But I would still say what I said earlier in a conv. Apple is just for people to go "Look at me, I've got an Apple wachamakallit~ I'm soooooo keewl and techie and rich and high-class and etcblahetc!! PRAISE ME!!". MacbookAirheads.
  • Blah Blah end.

Disclaimer(s), etc:
1. Not claiming what's not mine.
2. Did I break my record?
3. Flower Power!!

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