Monday, May 26, 2008

American Idol 7th Season Finale

Wow. So I actually watch non-Japanese shows.
What a big surprise!
That's because my native language is so not Japanese, so, logically, I should be more inclined towards watching English or Local TV shows. I guess I'd say the ratio of the English & Local shows to Japanese shows that I watch would be at 40:60 to 55:45. I'm trying to bring into the scene my entire life here, trying to weigh how much worth I should place on specific times in my life, so as to come up with those figures. Of course, those are merely pseudo-quantitative data, which is to say that they are very very very unreliable rough estimates, I have to wonder how I even came up with numerical values at all.
Next section please.
Thank you.
Now, I'm not exactly a fan of American Idol, in fact, I don't remember the past seasons very well (some seasons, not at all), and I haven't really been much for watching it on a regular basis. But, I sort of almost make it a point to watch the preliminary auditions and the finale of this show. The finale for the winner and the prelims for the oh-so-funny people that have no shame at all but I don't mind that they have no shame cuz they entertain me. Haha. Well, there.
Amazingly, the finale also made me laugh.
I was just highly-entertained that they decided to make Mr. Renaldo Lapuz come back for the finale and have everyone be.. er.. highly-entertained.. by his grand, and I mean GRAND, performance. He had a freakin' band and cheering squad!! Was that a cheering squad??? What the heck?? I was highly-entertained indeed.

Go youtube the clip if you weren't able to catch it.

Actually, we have no cable channels here at home, so I was only able to watch a really delayed replay earlier, so.. yeah. That's that. Entertainment for all.

I still choose David A. over David C. though. Like, hello? Fools would choose C over A, and they're americans too, they employ that grading method! Well, I guess it's not just about the voice, sooo... And I wasn't really able to follow this season (so, what's new) so I don't really mind the results. I just thought it would be kinda funny to comment about it this way.

Oh, it's not?
Well then, you can still go and be highly-entertained by Mr. Renaldo Lapuz's original composition with matching band and dancing girls plus Randy and Paula.
I keep calling him Mr. because he's freakin 45!!!!!!!!! Mid-life crisis must bring about bouts of dementia, huh? This is an exceptionally long bout, though, it lasted through a whole season of American Idol. Or maybe it was just triggered by the start and end of the show that brought him... er.. fame.

Well, gotta go back to work now.
Apparently, I still haven't been surprised to death.

1. American Idol = Not mine.
2. Youtube = Not mine.
3. American Idol people = Not mine. Special Emphasis on Mr. here.
4. I wonder when I'll get tired of writing down these disclaimer thingies...

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