She made an DX ~like face. SERIOUSLY.
Let me talk about an anime I actually like this time. :D
Not that I don't like Gundam 00, but, I like it for different reasons (which are prolly not the reasons the creators want fans like me to like it for though it's not like I don't like it for any of the reasons they want fans to like it for, but in the end, I don't really know what's in their heads, so, lalala.), but that's really just part of its charm, I guess~
However, this won't be a post talking about how awesome the anime is. I will talk about how awesome the censorship for this show is.
WARNING: Do not read if you're part of the age bracket that's the target of this censorship thing.
Censorship is fine since this IS aired on TV after all (though Kurozuka seems to get away with everything?).
Censorship is fine since this IS aired on TV after all BUT I don't get censorship when it's like this:

In fact, the fact that you put a big gray circle screaming "Heeeey~ I'm hiding something here~ How mysterious~ Must be something pretty violent, OMGOMG!

Maybe this is a case of just-doing-it-for-the-sake-of-following-the-system/rules/etc. Thus, the pretty HQ censorship method. The first episode censorship was actually a lot better, though.
Also, since I haven't actually seen the uncensored version of the above scene, I can't actually tell what's beneath the gray circle. Maybe it's just my lack of imagination due to not watching enough episodes of Barney when I was a little kid, but I don't really see anything that could be worse than the blood spraying beyond the gray circle being underneath the gray circle of censorship. She just pierced him, right? It's a freaking sword piercing a guy and they censor the piercing but leave the horizontal blood fountain. COOL. YEAH.

Unless they showed his beating heart being pierced which would be.. erm.. just weird and wrong in various ways, but well, I guess anime being the way it is, maybe it's actually possible.

The first volume of the DVD has already been released, but the last volume release date is still far away, in the merry month of may~ So I guess I'll just wait 'til all the DVDs have been released before getting DVD rips.
And with that, I guess I won't be seeing the uncensored versions anytime soon.
Disclaimer(s), etc:
1. I don't claim to own what isn't mine.2. Just in case? I'm not making fun of Ga-Rei art for real. I really like this show.