What in the world is a Prince Dictionary?
Lemme continue with this Kaname Jun business as (1) the last post was probably a failure, and (2) I need another post. Pretty much (2) makes this a failure as well, but whatever. I did put effort into the images for this post! My dedication, if nothing else, is real and solid. o/
This is a pretty cool photo
I think I first saw Kaname Jun in Ryuusei no Kizuna. I think. Or maybe MY PACE PV. But, uhh, I think I recognized him when I saw the MY PACE PV so, it has to be Ryuusei even though Ryuusei came later. Besides, my first memories of MY PACE are associated with dancing stuffed toys and all, so.... lalala~
Front view this time. And NICE coat, bro.
I don't really have much to say about him since I don't really know much about him. He's an actor. Uhh, yeah, unnecessary.
This is another pretty cool photo.
Hmm, what else... Ah, I guess something that you wouldn't find on his profile pages in English is that apparently, he really likes games and fishing. This is according to the 5LDK thingy he guested in. As I don't really understand or speak Japanese, there is only so much I can extract from videos without translations.
Looks like another cool coat, bro, and it's like FREAKING RED. O_O
There are also interviews in Moonrunes all over the net, but I am less than a moron when it comes to Moonrunes, and dictionary-TLing is very tiring, so pretty much, I haven't extracted anything from those either. Ah, except for some page where they showed pictures of him in a car
and pictures of pasta with herbs and some fishing stuff.
Putting my unparalleled logic to use, I deduce that the fishing stuff are there because as said in 5LDK, he likes fishing. The pasta pic was there because according to english profile stuff, he likes cooking.

I also have a hunch that he's this rich kid type who just ended up being an actor since he was scouted. He would have probably led a completely happy and successful life even if he didn't become an actor.

Of course, I am happier that he's an actor because now, I have someone to fangirl over.

Fangirling is pretty hard at times.

But the rewards

can be pretty rewarding~ It's a silly kind of light fluffy laughter that comes from nowhere and will probably lead to nowhere in the long run.

But that is the essence of fangirling. The uselessness of it. It has no substance or shape.

It is therefore indestructible. NYAHAHAHA.

Well, the second time I saw him, was in Oya-koukou play. But that was me youtubing already.

It is really rather sad that I can't find any good copies of this thing, much less translations, but even without those, you can kind of tell that it's a comedy show.

The ending theme of this show is pretty serious, and pretty nice. :D There's actually one youtube clip that had translations. Not great, but not bad.
I also saw him in Casshern and Tatta Hitotsu no Koi. And, as mentioned in a previous post, in Atashinchi no Danshi. I've also checked out RESCUE, but it hit me as a bit too dramatic and serious and pretty unrealistic. :( (Well, Atashinchi is unrealistic and has drama moments that are uberdramatic, but it's like COMEDY, so...)
WOW, this is the last unrelated image I have! \o/
So for now, next up on my list are Kimi Hannin Ja Nai Yo Ne?
and Himitsu no Hanazono.
And at last, I have run out of images!
Disclaimer(s), etc:
1. I don't claim to own what isn't mine.
2. And yes, again, not even Kaname Jun.
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