Tuesday, April 13, 2010


~What I've been wanting to try for daysss now~

Hai. WEABOO ni nattan desu. Kore wa INEVITABLE koto dato omoimasu. Saishou kara DOOMED datta na... Nanka, sumimasen ne~... Hontou ni PARDON ne...
Naa.. Kou mitai ni nihongo wo romanji de WRITEshimasu wa... UGLY desu ne.... -_-
THAT SAID, eigo ni REVERTshimasu........

I wonder how people can be serious and write that way... Seriously. lol.
While it may seem hard to believe, I meant no offense of any kind at all with my previous lines.

Ah, well, today I would like to post about a bunch of things.
First, I would like to mention that it finally rained. After how many days of unbelievably humid weather, it's now raining. I bet the sky is relieved. And so is the earth. And so am I..
Second, I would like to mention that I finally got around to catching my first Niconico live with dasoku and clear in it. Yay~
As I'm o_O with moonrunes and didn't bother finding out much, I didn't know whether they limit the number of non premium user access to the NicoRaji (seriously, it's nicoraji.. though I suppose I could write it as nicoradi...) live broadcast. At some point during the weekend, I was convinced I should go get a premium account. But, well, I have no credit card and it seemed they won't accept my visa debit card, so I sighed a sigh of resignation and kept a dying ember of hope in my heart which was certain to be extinguished come that fateful moment when Niconicodouga will politely tell me that my slot/seat has been given to a premium user. Ah~ even in online video sites, the power of money comes to step on the dreams of people who don't have credit cards.
Then came the fateful day of the broadcast. I was there when there were still under a thousand people around. The numbers started rising. While as a fan of clear and dasoku, I should have been happy to see that, a part of me dreaded the should-have-been inevitable moment when a premium user would send me away with his/her 525 yen monthly payment. Apparently, all that build-up towards my supposedly impending doom was going to be rendered pointless for LO AND BEHOLD! I was not sent away. Maybe they accomodate everyone for niconico related broadcasts like NicoRadi (yeah, inconsistency).
In any case, I got to listen/watch the live broadcast~~
I thought it called for a celebration, so I went out to get cake from one of the 24-hr cafes around~
I got a chocolate cupcake

~What I ate instead~

and a choco-chip bar~

The camera does not do these justice. They were really pretty good~

Ahhhhhhhhh~ Happinessssss~
They flashed clear and dasoku's faces for a bit too, by the way, lololol. Well, dasoku always shows himself, but it seems clear hardly does, so I guess this is a rare thing and I'm glad I was there to experience the event~
I'm not a full-fledged fangirl so I didn't record the video stream. Even if I did, I wonder, anyway, if it would be nice to post not-so-public-figure-type people's faces on my not-really-public-either-lol blog. But clear was wearing one of those surgical masks (as usual?), anyway, so it wouldn't have been something to report me to the internet police for~ Still though, one must not underestimate the TRAFFIC POLICE FORCE. LOL. Poor Celty, hahaha. Fujiwara Kei's voice really suit characters like that, right?
I've digressed...
Actually, on a related note, a friend of mine sort of said that I could never become a full-fledged fangirl because I don't dream of marrying the guys I "fangirl" about. Uh. Well. Sorry, then? The ferris wheel is pretty from afar, after all...~ loltrustissueslolBut for lack of a better term, I will keep on using the word "fangirl".
Also related, at least to the pictures, is clear's like? love? for sweet stuff. In the smiley*2 album, his character's hobby is supposedly making sweets and eating them. This is supposedly on a totally different level since he even stays up too late doing this. At first, I didn't know that clear really did like sweets, but really, I should've known. After all, Mocha was mentioned in the album, lol.
Continuing on clear's love for sweets, I was relistening to one of the recorded radio shows which I got from either clear's or dasoku's blog (can't remember which), and at some point in this one, it seems clear fell asleep, or at least he just stopped talking for a pretty long time. Enter Panyo (I still haven't seen Ponyo T_T I fail. T_T) who apparently likes sweets. At some point they start talking about a store named Sweets Paradise (WANT), and Panyo says he's only gone to the one in Osaka, but he doesn't know if there's one in Tokyo. Pupi says he hasn't gone there (Tokyo branch), but he sort of remembers his friends having gone there and talking about it. Clear says where it is. Wotamin says "DETA". SOU NE, DEMASHITA NE. LOL clear, what's up with the timing? Heh. Funny that I missed this when I listened to it the first time around though... hmm.
Well, even though his like for sweets is a fact, I have no idea if he actually *makes* sweets. In her live earlier, wotamin did mention that clear is a busy guy. Lol. I know, I'm internet stalking. But it's fun to obsess over people and characters~ Lol.
While I also love sweets, it's not particularly worthy of mention in relation to clear's love for sweets since I am a girl, and you know, most girls like sweets.
I think that wraps it up for the second thing.
Oh, just a note though, I'm not fluent in Japanese. My knowledge is very limited, but I do get to understand portions of conversations and I can make simple sentences, I guess. If there are any mistakes, well, no one reads this blog anyway. Lol. At this point anyway... Who knows what the future may bring~? Riiiight, moving on.
The third thing I want to write about is this blog. After it sat with a damaged template for months, I now finally got around to fixing my selectively expandable posts and my header image. Yay for me. It seems blogger made some updates and killed my template mods along the way. -.- Oh well, all is well now~ All I had to do was clear the mods to the widgets and add the codes again, it seems. Blogger now has it's own expandable post feature. It also now has pages. I should really get around to making a layout for my wordpress blog. And I am now getting sleepy.
Technically, the live broadcast was yesterday evening, but since I haven't gone to sleep yet, it's still the same day for me. (^ ^)b
And so, that will be all for today.

Disclaimer(s), etc:

1. I'm not claiming that my understanding of the conversations and other stuff I mentioned are 100% correct. Believe at your own risk. Sorry, but that's how the real world works, really. lol.
2. The truth is that I wouldn't really have blogged about this, except that it was an opportunity to have a post in preparation for a possible $$ opportunity. You know, the usual. Heh.
3. Ah, this is why I can't be called a real fangirl~
4. Oh yeah, I don't claim stuff here that aren't mine, like the mont blanc pic, for one.
5. I've forgotten my standard format for this section... hmm.


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Anonymous said...

Hello my friend how are you today..?
