Just thought I'd do a quick post here so I can proceed with making a dneero entry? It's just too weird to have only dneero stuff on a blog, I guess... *shrug*
And I thought I'd keep all my Gundam entries on this blog. :D
Well, if anything, Gundam has shown me the harsh reality of this twisted world.
Sergei got killed by his stupid bastard son.
That is the harsh reality.
Kujo might die in the hands of silly Billy.
And Soma!!! Don't die Soma. ;_;
Dammit, they're killing off the decent characters!!!!!
(Anew was really just like a placeholder character or something. This is what I call an emotionally crippled show. You see people die and it just doesn't get to you, even just a little. It's like, okay, she died. Yeah, okay. Uhh... so Lyle is now raging and all. Okay. Uhh. Okaaay....)
And Setsuna is undergoing innovation, which, as far as I can tell, is giving him the ability to produce naked people in space scenes which probably convinced THE MIZTAH BUSHIDO to have a change of heart. ............fffff
And this is all about the Ribbons throne-couch and the Saji-Louise bitter ending or impossibly happy ending isn't it??? ISN'T IT???
This show is so bad for my health in not so positive ways. o_o
And they killed Patrick... for real this time, maybe? You never can tell with Sunrise~ Lalala~
I just want my Robot-Gundam marriage, Sunrise.
That is the only path left for you guys to redeem yourselves!
But then again, they always pull off things that I would never have thought of.
INNOVATION. I don't even begin to..........
Disclaimer(s), etc:
1. I don't claim to own anything that isn't mine.
2. Ha~ Ha~ Ha~ Ha~ ~~Gundam ED. I watch this for the flower gundam! Pwetty~ :3